Source code for esbonio.server.features.directives

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import typing

from lsprotocol import types as lsp

from esbonio import server
from esbonio.sphinx_agent import types

from . import providers
from .providers import DirectiveArgumentProvider

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from import Coroutine
    from typing import Any

    from esbonio.server import Uri

class DirectiveProvider:
    """Base class for directive providers"""

    def get_directive(
        self, uri: Uri, name: str
    ) -> types.Directive | None | Coroutine[Any, Any, types.Directive | None]:
        """Return the definition of the given directive, if known

           The uri of the document in which the directive name appears

           The name of the directive, as the user would type in a document
        return None

    def suggest_directives(
        self, context: server.CompletionContext
    ) -> (
        list[types.Directive] | None | Coroutine[Any, Any, list[types.Directive] | None]
        """Given a completion context, suggest directives that may be used."""
        return None

[docs] class DirectiveFeature(server.LanguageFeature): """'Backend' support for directives. It's this language feature's responsibility to provide an API that exposes the information a "frontend" language feature may want. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._directive_providers: dict[int, DirectiveProvider] = {} self._argument_providers: dict[str, DirectiveArgumentProvider] = {}
[docs] def add_directive_provider(self, provider: DirectiveProvider): """Register a directive provider. Parameters ---------- provider The directive provider """ self._directive_providers[id(provider)] = provider
[docs] def add_directive_argument_provider( self, name: str, provider: DirectiveArgumentProvider ): """Register a directive argument provider. Parameters ---------- provider The directive argument provider """ if (existing := self._argument_providers.get(name)) is not None: raise ValueError( f"DirectiveArgumentProvider {provider!r} conflicts with existing " f"provider: {existing!r}" ) self._argument_providers[name] = provider
[docs] async def suggest_directives( self, context: server.CompletionContext ) -> list[types.Directive]: """Suggest directives that may be used, given a completion context. Parameters ---------- context The completion context. """ items: list[types.Directive] = [] for provider in self._directive_providers.values(): try: result: list[types.Directive] | None = None aresult = provider.suggest_directives(context) if inspect.isawaitable(aresult): result = await aresult if result: items.extend(result) except Exception: name = type(provider).__name__ self.logger.error( "Error in '%s.suggest_directives'", name, exc_info=True ) return items
[docs] async def get_directive(self, uri: Uri, name: str) -> types.Directive | None: """Return the definition of the given directive name. Parameters ---------- uri The uri of the document in which the directive name appears name The name of the directive, as the user would type into a document. Returns ------- types.Directive | None The directive's definition, if known """ for provider in self._directive_providers.values(): try: result: types.Directive | None = None aresult = provider.get_directive(uri, name) if inspect.isawaitable(aresult): result = await aresult if result is not None: return result except Exception: name = type(provider).__name__ self.logger.error("Error in '%s.get_directive'", name, exc_info=True) return None
[docs] async def suggest_arguments( self, context: server.CompletionContext, directive_name: str ) -> list[lsp.CompletionItem]: """Suggest directive arguments that may be used, given a completion context. Parameters ---------- context The completion context directive_name The directive to suggest arguments for """ if (directive := await self.get_directive(context.uri, directive_name)) is None: self.logger.debug("Unknown directive '%s'", directive_name) return [] arguments = [] self.logger.debug( "Suggesting arguments for directive: '%s' (%s)",, directive.implementation, ) for spec in directive.argument_providers: if (provider := self._argument_providers.get( is None: self.logger.error("Unknown argument provider: '%s'", continue try: result: list[lsp.CompletionItem] | None = None aresult = provider.suggest_arguments(context, **spec.kwargs) if inspect.isawaitable(aresult): result = await aresult else: result = aresult if result is not None: arguments.extend(result) except Exception: name = type(provider).__name__ self.logger.error( "Error in '%s.suggest_arguments'", name, exc_info=True ) return arguments
def esbonio_setup(server: server.EsbonioLanguageServer): directives = DirectiveFeature(server) directives.add_directive_argument_provider( "filepath", providers.FilepathProvider(server) ) directives.add_directive_argument_provider( "values", providers.ValuesProvider(server) ) server.add_feature(directives)