Source code for esbonio.sphinx_agent.database

from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
import sqlite3
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import field
from typing import Any
from typing import Literal

[docs] class Database:
[docs] @dataclass class Column: name: str dtype: str notnull: bool = field(default=False) default: Any | None = field(default=None) pk: int = field(default=0) @property def definition(self): # TODO: Is there a way to do this via a prepared statement? return f"{} {self.dtype}"
[docs] @dataclass class Table: name: str columns: list[Database.Column] @property def create_statement(self): """Return the SQL statement required to create this table.""" # TODO: Is there a way to do this via a prepared statement? columns = ",".join([c.definition for c in self.columns]) return "".join([f"CREATE TABLE {} (", columns, ");"])
def __init__(self, dbpath: pathlib.Path | Literal[":memory:"]): self.path = dbpath if isinstance(self.path, pathlib.Path) and not self.path.parent.exists(): self.path.parent.mkdir(parents=True) self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.path) # Ensure that Write Ahead Logging is enabled. self.db.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode(WAL)") self._checked_tables: set[str] = set() def _get_table(self, name: str) -> Table | None: """Get the table with the given name, if it exists.""" # TODO: SQLite does not seem to like '?' syntax in this statement... cursor = self.db.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({name});") rows = cursor.fetchall() if len(rows) == 0: # Table does not exist return None columns = [ self.Column(name=name, dtype=type_, notnull=notnull, default=default, pk=pk) for (_, name, type_, notnull, default, pk) in rows ] return self.Table(name=name, columns=columns) def _create_table(self, table: Table): """Create the given table.""" cursor = self.db.cursor() # TODO: Is there a way to do this via a prepared statement? cursor.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}") cursor.execute(table.create_statement) self.db.commit()
[docs] def clear_table(self, table: Table, **kwargs): """Clear the given table Parameters ---------- kwargs Constraints to limit the rows that get cleared """ # TODO: Is there a way to pass the table name as a '?' parameter? base_query = f"DELETE FROM {}" # noqa: S608 where: list[str] = [] parameters: list[Any] = [] for param, value in kwargs.items(): if value is None: where.append(f"{param} is null") else: where.append(f"{param} = ?") parameters.append(value) if where: conditions = " AND ".join(where) query = " ".join([base_query, "WHERE", conditions]) else: query = base_query cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute(query, tuple(parameters)) self.db.commit()
[docs] def ensure_table(self, table: Table): """Ensure that the given table exists in the database. If the table *does* exist, but has the wrong shape, it will be dropped and recreated. """ # If we've already checked the table, then there's nothing to do if in self._checked_tables: return if (existing := self._get_table( is None: self._create_table(table) return # Are the tables compatible? if len(existing.columns) != len(table.columns): self._create_table(table) else: for existing_col, col in zip(existing.columns, table.columns): if != or existing_col.dtype != col.dtype: self._create_table(table) break self._checked_tables.add(
[docs] def insert_values(self, table: Table, values: list[tuple]): """Insert the given values into the given table.""" if len(values) == 0: return cursor = self.db.cursor() placeholder = "(" + ",".join(["?" for _ in range(len(values[0]))]) + ")" cursor.executemany(f"INSERT INTO {} VALUES {placeholder}", values) # noqa: S608 self.db.commit()