Source code for esbonio.sphinx_agent.types.directives
from__future__importannotationsimportreimporttypingfromdataclassesimportdataclassfromdataclassesimportfieldfromtypingimportAnyfrom.lspimportLocationiftyping.TYPE_CHECKING:fromtypingimportCallablefromtypingimportTypeVarT=TypeVar("T")JsonLoader=Callable[[str,type[T]],T]MYST_DIRECTIVE:re.Pattern=re.compile(r""" (\s*) # directives can be indented (?P<directive> ```(`*)? # directives start with at least 3 ` chars [{]? # followed by an opening brace (?P<name>[^}]+)? # directives have a name [}]? # directives are closed with a closing brace ) (\s+(?P<argument>.*?)\s*$)? # directives may take an argument """,re.VERBOSE,)"""A regular expression to detect and parse partial and complete MyST directives.This does **not** include any options or content that may be included with theinitial declaration."""RST_DIRECTIVE:re.Pattern=re.compile(r""" (\s*) # directives can be indented (?P<directive> \.\. # directives start with a comment [ ]? # followed by a space (?P<substitution>\| # this could be a substitution definition (?P<substitution_text>[^|]+)? \|?)? [ ]? (?P<name>([\w-]|:(?!:))+)? # directives have a name (::)? # directives end with '::' ) ([\s]+(?P<argument>.*?)\s*$)? # directives may take an argument """,re.VERBOSE,)"""A regular expression to detect and parse partial and complete directives.This does **not** include any options or content that may be included underneaththe initial declaration. A number of named capture groups are available.``name`` The name of the directive, not including the domain prefix.``directive`` Everything that makes up a directive, from the initial ``..`` up to and including the ``::`` characters.``argument`` All argument text.``substitution`` If the directive is part of a substitution definition, this group will contain"""RST_DIRECTIVE_OPTION:re.Pattern=re.compile(r""" (?P<indent>\s+) # directive options must be indented (?P<option> : # options start with a ':' (?P<name>[\w-]+)? # options have a name :? # options end with a ':' ) (\s* (?P<value>.*) # options can have a value )? """,re.VERBOSE,)"""A regular expression used to detect and parse partial and complete directive options.A number of named capture groups are available``name`` The name of the option``option`` The name of the option including the surrounding ``:`` characters.``indent`` The whitespace characters making preceeding the initial ``:`` character``value`` The value passed to the option"""
[docs]@dataclassclassDirective:"""Represents a directive."""
[docs]@dataclassclassArgumentProvider:"""An argument provider instance."""name:str"""The name of the provider."""kwargs:dict[str,Any]=field(default_factory=dict)"""Arguments to pass to the argument provider"""
name:str"""The name of the directive, as the user would type in an rst file."""implementation:str|None"""The dotted name of the directive's implementation."""location:Location|None=field(default=None)"""The location of the directive's implementation, if known"""argument_providers:list[ArgumentProvider]=field(default_factory=list)"""The list of argument providers that can be used with this directive."""
[docs]defto_db(self,dumps:Callable[[Any],str])->tuple[str,str|None,str|None,str|None]:"""Convert this directive to its database representation"""providers=Noneiflen(self.argument_providers)>0:providers=dumps(self.argument_providers)location=dumps(self.location)ifself.locationisnotNoneelseNonereturn(,self.implementation,location,providers)
[docs]@classmethoddeffrom_db(cls,load_as:JsonLoader,name:str,implementation:str|None,location:str|None,providers:str|None,)->Directive:"""Create a directive from its database representation"""loc=load_as(location,Location)iflocationisnotNoneelseNoneargument_providers=(load_as(providers,list[Directive.ArgumentProvider])ifprovidersisnotNoneelse[])returncls(name=name,implementation=implementation,location=loc,argument_providers=argument_providers,)