Source code for esbonio.sphinx_agent.types.uri

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import os
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Callable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
from urllib import parse

IS_WIN = == "nt"
SCHEME = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d+.-]*$")
RE_DRIVE_LETTER_PATH = re.compile(r"^(\/?)([a-zA-Z]:)")

# TODO: Look into upstreaming this into pygls
#       - if it works out
#       - when pygls drops 3.7 (Uri uses the := operator)
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Uri: """Helper class for working with URIs.""" scheme: str authority: str path: str query: str fragment: str def __post_init__(self): """Basic validation.""" if self.scheme is None: raise ValueError("URIs must have a scheme") if not SCHEME.match(self.scheme): raise ValueError("Invalid scheme") if self.authority and self.path and (not self.path.startswith("/")): raise ValueError("Paths with an authority must start with a slash '/'") if self.path and self.path.startswith("//") and (not self.authority): raise ValueError( "Paths without an authority cannot start with two slashes '//'" ) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): return False if self.scheme != other.scheme: return False if self.authority != other.authority: return False if self.query != other.query: return False if self.fragment != other.fragment: return False if IS_WIN and self.scheme == "file": # Filepaths on windows are case in-sensitive if self.path.lower() != other.path.lower(): return False elif self.path != other.path: return False return True def __hash__(self): if IS_WIN and self.scheme == "file": # Filepaths on windows are case in-sensitive path = self.path.lower() else: path = self.path return hash((self.scheme, self.authority, path, self.query, self.fragment)) def __fspath__(self): """Return the file system representation of this uri. This makes Uri instances compatible with any function that expects an ``os.PathLike`` object! """ # TODO: Should we raise an exception if scheme != "file"? return self.as_fs_path(preserve_case=True) def __str__(self): return self.as_string() def __truediv__(self, other): return self.join(other)
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, *, scheme: str = "", authority: str = "", path: str = "", query: str = "", fragment: str = "", ) -> Uri: """Create a uri with the given attributes.""" if scheme in {"http", "https", "file"}: if not path.startswith("/"): path = f"/{path}" return cls( scheme=scheme, authority=authority, path=path, query=query, fragment=fragment, )
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, uri: str) -> Uri: """Parse the given uri from its string representation.""" scheme, authority, path, _, query, fragment = parse.urlparse(uri) return cls.create( scheme=parse.unquote(scheme), authority=parse.unquote(authority), path=parse.unquote(path), query=parse.unquote(query), fragment=parse.unquote(fragment), )
[docs] def resolve(self) -> Uri: """Return the fully resolved version of this Uri.""" # This operation only makes sense for file uris if self.scheme != "file": return Uri.parse(str(self)) return Uri.for_file(pathlib.Path(self).resolve())
[docs] @classmethod def for_file(cls, filepath: Union[str, os.PathLike[str]]) -> Uri: """Create a uri based on the given filepath.""" fpath = os.fspath(filepath) if IS_WIN: fpath = fpath.replace("\\", "/") if fpath.startswith("//"): authority, *path = fpath[2:].split("/") fpath = "/".join(path) else: authority = "" return cls.create(scheme="file", authority=authority, path=fpath)
@property def fs_path(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the equivalent fs path.""" return self.as_fs_path()
[docs] def where(self, **kwargs) -> Uri: """Return an transformed version of this uri where certain components of the uri have been replace with the given arguments. Passing a value of ``None`` will remove the given component entirely. """ keys = {"scheme", "authority", "path", "query", "fragment"} valid_keys = keys.copy() & kwargs.keys() current = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in keys} replacements = {k: kwargs[k] for k in valid_keys} return Uri.create(**{**current, **replacements})
[docs] def join(self, path: str) -> Uri: """Join this Uri's path component with the given path and return the resulting uri. Parameters ---------- path The path segment to join Returns ------- Uri The resulting uri """ if not self.path: raise ValueError("This uri has no path") if IS_WIN: fs_path = self.fs_path if fs_path is None: raise ValueError("Unable to join paths, fs_path is None") joined = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(fs_path, path)) new_path = self.for_file(joined).path else: new_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.path, path)) return self.where(path=new_path)
[docs] def as_fs_path(self, preserve_case: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Return the file system path correspondin with this uri.""" if self.path: path = _normalize_path(self.path, preserve_case) if self.authority and len(path) > 1: path = f"//{self.authority}{path}" # Remove the leading `/` from windows paths elif RE_DRIVE_LETTER_PATH.match(path): path = path[1:] if IS_WIN: path = path.replace("/", "\\") return path return None
[docs] def as_string(self, encode=True) -> str: """Return a string representation of this Uri. Parameters ---------- encode If ``True`` (the default), encode any special characters. Returns ------- str The string representation of the Uri """ # See: encoder: Callable[[str], str] = parse.quote if encode else _replace_chars # type: ignore[assignment] if authority := self.authority: usercred, *auth = authority.split("@") if len(auth) > 0: *user, cred = usercred.split(":") if len(user) > 0: usercred = encoder(":".join(user)) + f":{encoder(cred)}" else: usercred = encoder(usercred) authority = "@".join(auth) else: usercred = "" authority = authority.lower() *auth, port = authority.split(":") if len(auth) > 0: authority = encoder(":".join(auth)) + f":{port}" else: authority = encoder(authority) if usercred: authority = f"{usercred}@{authority}" scheme_separator = "" if authority or self.scheme == "file": scheme_separator = "//" if path := self.path: path = encoder(_normalize_path(path)) if query := self.query: query = encoder(query) if fragment := self.fragment: fragment = encoder(fragment) parts = [ f"{self.scheme}:", scheme_separator, authority if authority else "", path if path else "", f"?{query}" if query else "", f"#{fragment}" if fragment else "", ] return "".join(parts)
def _replace_chars(segment: str) -> str: """Replace a certain subset of characters in a uri segment""" return segment.replace("#", "%23").replace("?", "%3F") def _normalize_path(path: str, preserve_case: bool = False) -> str: """Normalise the path segment of a Uri. Parameters ---------- path The path to normalise. preserve_case If ``True``, preserve the case of the drive label on Windows. If ``False``, the drive label will be lowercased. Returns ------- str The normalised path. """ # normalize to fwd-slashes on windows, # on other systems bwd-slashes are valid # filename character, eg /f\oo/ba\r.txt if IS_WIN: path = path.replace("\\", "/") # Normalize drive paths to lower case if (not preserve_case) and (match := RE_DRIVE_LETTER_PATH.match(path)): path = + + path[match.end() :] return path